jointly with your management, we create a real-life quantum computing experience

We leverage our clients’ / partners’ talent and bring external experts to ensure the right capabilities for engagement.


Quantum Computing Fundamentals for Executives

Focus on how business leaders should think about quantum computing, its value and disruptive potential, and the capabilities required to prepare for the quantum computing future.


quantum computing diagnostics
Assess Quantum Computing Readiness

Assess the existing capabilities and compare them with the industry's best practices/benchmarks. Identify gaps in achieving quantum readiness.

Conduct a Quantum Wargaming Exercise

Prepare and supervise a quantum wargaming exercise to test potential strategies, identify necessary capabilities, and determine investment priorities.


quantum computing roadmap
Develop a Roadmap to Build Quantum Computing Capabilities

Build a vision and a detailed plan to strengthen quantum readiness capabilities and execute the quantum business priorities

Please contact us if you would like to further discuss on any of these offerings