Why Quantum Computing is so important?

An approach to solving many complex business and environmental problems that are impossible to solve classically

Potential to realize substantial value, disrupt markets and achieve unique competitive advantage for companies and nations

Practical applications are within the planning horizon (3-5 years) - significant private and government investments accelerate use-case implementation.



Qubits Offer Natural Way to Model Chemical Bonds and Molecular Structure

Applications Include:

  • New materials with advanced properties
  • Carbon sequestration
  • Chemical / catalytic reactions, e.g., Haber-Bosch process
  • Pharmaceutical research and discovery
  • Nitrogen fixation
  • Solar technology

Artificial Intelligence

More Efficient at Solving Large Linear Systems - Enhanced Machine Learning and Simulation

Applications Include:

  • Pattern Recognition
  • Better model training
  • Fraud detection
  • Differential equations (fluid dynamic, heat transfer, etc.)
  • Financial option pricing
  • Genomics research


Simultaneous Testing of Multiple Variables Leads to Exponential Improvements

Applications Include:

  • Portfolio optimization
  • Logistics and supply chain optimization
  • Risk analysis
  • Loans & credit scoring
  •  Manufacturing processes optimization
  • Optimal control of technological processes

Quantum Computing market and Value

Quantum Computing Value Use Case

Current Example

  • In the summer of 2022, Quantum Computing Inc. announced that it had solved the BMW Vehicle Sensor Placement optimization problem in six minutes, a complex problem consisting of 3,854 variables and over 500 constraints
  • In 2023, SEEQC partners with BASF to explore applications of quantum computing in chemical reactions for industrial use

Many leaders in automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical, financial services, communication, electronics, health, and logistics industries are developing quantum computing approaches to solving real-life practical problems

Quantum Computing Market (Hardware and Software) is growing fast

Market research firms expect that quantum computing Market will grow at a 32% rate for the next 10 years

Market Size - annual revenue realized by Quantum Computing hardware and software

Value - annual benefits realized by all applications of Quantum Computing technology

Estimated Quantum Computing Market Size

$ Millions

Quantum Computing Value

However, the Value of quantum computing from all applications will significantly exceed the size of QC hardware and software Markets.

QWG assumptions

  • McKinsey & Co estimates that the incremental value of quantum computing “…could be up to $700 Billion” by 2035
  • BCG estimates the annual value creation from quantum computing in the range of $450 – $850 Billion by 2040
  • At QWG, we conservatively assume the quantum computing value of $500 Billion in 2040

Quantum Computing Value Increase

$ Millions

The disruptive potential of Quantum Computing will be a crucial weapon for achieving competitive advantage for companies and nations

China announced more government funding of quantum computing initiatives than the 12 following countries combined

No Data Found

Timelines for investment vary per country
Source: McKinsey & Co.

Timing for Quantum Computing

Quantum computers are available NOW for both corporate and individual users. Some examples include:

Practical applications of quantum computing are expected soon

One Million Qubit quantum computers arrive this decade
- Jeremy O'Brien, CEO of PsiQuantum

Algorithms to solve practical problems and unlock the value of quantum computing would require thousands of fault-tolerant qubits. Currently, the leaders in quantum technology are making quantum processors with only a few hundred physical qubits, and these qubits are far from being fault tolerant.  Available error-correction approaches can turn approximately thousand of physical noisy qubits into one nearly fault-tolerant “logical” qubit.  Therefore, a processor with at least a million physical qubits would be required to solve the most impactful practical problems.

For Quantum Wargaming, we have developed an approach to estimate the timing for solving specific business and environmental problems using quantum computers

Timing Estimation Approach

our analysis SUGGESTS that the first practical applications of quantum computers should be expected in the next 3-5 years