Quantum Computing will profoundly disrupt every industry, driving innovation and explosive growth.  As a result, the competitive landscape will change with new players entering and some incumbents exiting many markets.

Why Wargaming?

The best way to learn quantum computing and its applications is to practice developing and implementing quantum computing strategies in real-life settings. Wargaming allows business leaders to personally experience quantum innovation and competition in a simulated environment of mature quantum computing technology.

Quantum Wargaming® Approach

Quantum Wargaming® is a field exercise (team game) for executives and managers to immerse into the future of Quantum Computing and personally experience its potential.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to help companies and governments to better understand the impact of Quantum Computing technology, experience it through a wargaming exercise, and become quantum ready by developing necessary innovation, technology, and operations capabilities
Our Services

Learn More About Wargaming Approach to Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing Basics
quantum computing education
Quantum Computing for Executives
Business Leaders Must Have A Basic Understanding of Quantum Computing Concepts QWG provides...
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qc applic
Quantum Computing Applications
Chemistry, Artificial Intelligence, and Optimization are the key applications for quantum computing. Chemistry A...
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Quantum Wargaming
quantum wargaming room
Quantum Wargaming Approach
Quantum Wargaming Approach Understanding Quantum Wargaming Download Quantum Wargaming...
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quantum wargaming example
Automotive Chemicals Example
Wargaming exercise in the auto chemicals market demonstrated the power of the wargaming approach and...
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